Friday, 20 July 2012

Brisbane (Friday)

Well today has been nice and quiet. I had an excellent nights sleep-the first night I've slept through in weeks! I had a nice lazy breakfast before taking a drive to Stones Corner with Julie and Don. Don and I got me up the stairs again; alot smoother today.
We had a yummy lunch of salmon, avacado and tomato on toast overlooking the bay and I settled in to continue reading Gai Waterhouse's autobiography in the sun. It was so lovely and quiet, I could hear runners and cyclists coming before I could see them. My reading lasted about three pages until Charlie, Julies Grand-daughter arrived. We spent the next few hours going through my photos of my babies on my computer, playing hide and seek and connect four. I got in trouble when I accidently flicked one of the tiles over the back of the sofa and Charlie had to go chase it... Whoops!
Charlies mum Katreena and brother Max came by for a bit, then Julie and I sat down and watched a movie, Mad about Harry, sparking an interesting conversation on sexuality.
We had an amazing stir fry for tea-I'm so greaatful for the healthy meals I'm getting here! Julie and Don are watching the Titans play the broncos (more rugby!) while I catch up on my emails and plug my blog to my entire phonebook-even my vet got a text message! One of my friends is currently messaging me, telling me about Florance Falls in NT, which has 126 steps to bum down, resulting in me counting the steps here. 19 steps up and down. Good thing Don and I are getting in our grove... Besides, if I'm going there, I'll have my cowboy companions with me. I'll make them earn their dinner hehe.
Well, I'm going to make another attempt at an early night! Last night was a total fail with me turning off my phone at 11.50. And call my mum, I haven't been fulfilling my daughterly duties this week.... Until tomorrow! 
Our gorgeous lunch setting

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