Friday, 7 September 2012

Alice Springs (Friday)

What an amazing, brilliant, spectacular, suspersful game Gliders!! For those of you who have been living in a cave, the Gliders are the Australian womens wheelchair basketball team, who last night beat the USA team in a nail biting finish 40-39. They were even until half time, then the gliders gained a ten point lead in the third quarter. Unfortunately the USA girls got a bit of a run in the last quarter and we only just held on. It was so stressful! I actually felt sick by the end of the game! And NT is half an hour behind EST, so I had to wait, which was infuriating!
After I sat up to watch the game, I was pretty useless today. My achievements can be summed up in washing, leg stretches, chair maintenance. Oh, and falling asleep on the couch. It's funny. You would think that after this long it wouldn't surprise me how much different my chair feels after a bit of tlc. It's like having a new chair again. And it's stopped creaking!
When Sandra and Leon got home, we went into the Araluen Cultural Centre for the opening of Desert Mob. This is where all the aboriginal art centers from NT/SA/WA come together for a huge annual art exhibition. It was really interesting to see all the different types of artwork. Some of the paintings were nothing like I expected. Nothing like 'traditional' aboriginal artwork. There were a few things I really liked, but with prices between $600-$18000 I couldn't afford anything. There were some really cool sculptures, some wood, some recycled materials.

Exhaust pipe puppies
 The other thing I noticed was some of the most, let's say interesting, outfits! There was one guy, dressed very fancy, who told me I looked like a young Linda Ronstandt. I had to google her. Not sure if he was on the money...
Well, early start to watch the gliders in the morning... 6.15am EST on ABC2- Make sure you see it, it will be an amazing day. Clear eyes, full hearts Gliders!! We go this! 

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