Friday, 24 August 2012

Darwin- Katherine

Back on the road! This is the first time I've had to leave a place before I wanted to, so it's a bit sad. I would have loved to have got out to Kakadu, but I didn't really have time, so I decided to do Darwin properly instead. I left Aleisha and Dan's after lunch (Dan finished work early so I stayed to say goodbye to him. And I slept in.) after I said goodbye I filled up on fuel and breakfast foo and hit the road. As I left, I got a message from Robin, who I had forgotten was going to be in Katherine too.
The weather up here has been lovely, between 32-35 each day, today was particularly hot though, at 38. You know it's hot when I turn on the A/C instead of winding down the windows...
I had a good drive down to Katherine. I got stuck behind a very long and potentially explosive road train. It's a bit scary how much the back end can wave all over the road, when the front is driving in a straight line! The termites are huge again! You could fit three or four fully grow men inside one... I found myself drifting off into 'thoughts' again now that I'm back driving.
We haven't had a song of the day for a while, so here is one for you. Brad Paisley, 'That's Love'. Bit of a fun love song for you- it always makes me smile. As I got closer to Katherine, I came across Pine Creek, where we stopped for 'tea' on the way up. Looks a bit more interesting in daylight. There was a railway museum I wouldn't have minded taking a look at if I'd had a bit more time, but I pressed on. I found Robin without too much trouble. On a mango farm of course! I was welcome to stay there, but the bathroom situation there was a bit ambitious, even for me! I saw another really cool mailbox just down the road- a brolga!
We were going to Springvale Homestead for tea, and they had camping there, so I had a bit of a scout around before tea and decided to stay there. The Homestead was having one of their BBQ nights, so I had a half steak and some barra, both of which were delicious. And a range of great salads, with fruit salad for dessert! It's a very cool place to eat- outside with lights, BBQ cooked right in front of you. The staff here are great too! Not set up for wheelchairs, but still very helpful and accommodating. And the camp grounds are really nice, with spots around a billabong. After my visit to Crocodylus Park this week, and their croc warnings, I was a bit nervous about being so close to the water. But I figured they would go for the ducks nesting beside the water before me! I've since been told there are no salties here, only a fresh water croc, but he hasn't made an appearance for a while. I suppose that's a good thing... Bed time!
Termite mound
Brolga Mailbox

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