Sunday, 12 August 2012

Mt Isa- Barkley Homestead, NT

These days seem to be getting longer! We headed back into the rodeo grounds early to watch one of the boys ride- he bucked off. Luke had his second run in the steer wrestling about ten, so Brock and I headed down to watch that. He did an impressive double flip, but landed his steer on the wrong side so he didn't get a time. Brock wanted to watch the open broncs, so we waited around for that. Was a bit of a slow afternoon, but the broncs were pretty awesome. We decided to head off towards Darwin, so we got lunch, topped up on fuel and hit the road. Mum will be very pleased to know I didn't let the boys bully me into speeding. We made it to Barkley Homestead just after dark. I remembered I have been a horrible sister and haven't sent Hayden a post card since Barcarldine... Whoops! So I have remedied that. We have settled in at the bar with a few boys who also rode at Isa, Clint, Troy and Jack, sharing stories with Tahlie, the english barmaid and Winnie from Finland, also working behind the bar. Tahlie was really interested in the rodeos and asking lots of questions which was pretty cool. So we have got a camping spot and we'll stay here tonight and head off in the morning. I'll be fine because I have my swag, but I'm not sure about these boys- they've only got a sleeping bag each!
Well, time to go set up camp!

Distance travelled: 450km
Time driving: 5 hours
Wall trimmings at the Barkley Homestead
NT border!!

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