Monday, 20 August 2012

Darwin (Monday)

Apparently I was tired... 11 hours of sleep and a cold shower and I almost felt human again this morning! After my somewhat slow start to the day, I headed into Casuarina to meet Mandy, a friend from Tassie who is now working here as a nurse. We had a great lunch at Bar Zushi, one of those sushi places where small servings of sushi travel round the restaurant on, in this case, a model train, and you pick of whatever you want. I've never been to one before, so it was a new experience for me, but very good. I had some inside out California rolls, and some octopus balls. Very yummy, but the octopus was a bit chewy... We had a good california for a couple of hours, migrating to the coffee club after lunch, catching up on the news from home.
After lunch I headed back to Palmerston for my doctors appointment, to get my various wounds checked. The doctor there told me nothing new really. To keep dressing them daily, that as long as they keep healing, they are ok, but if they don't I will need a skin graft. I could have told me that without the 5 years at university... He did tell me while I'm up here in the humidity I need to change the dressing on my breast every few days too, which made sense. I was worried it was hyper granulating again, but it seems to be doing the right thing still. He pulled out some nice band aid things for me to use, but since they are almost $2 each, I think I'll stick to making my own band aids-they are expensive enough already!
After the doctors, I went to the supermarket to grab some things to make a salad to go with the lasagna we were having for tea. I also caved and brought the other Zac Brown Band CD I was looking at yesterday. And brought some cheese. I can't really get it while I'm on the road, it just doesn't keep well enough. So Alisha and I ate our way through most of that. Daniel, Alisha's partner was home from work when I got back, so I made a salad and he made a mess. For those of you who own a soda stream, there is a reason they say to put in the flavour after you fizz the water! (Sorry Dan for sharing this, but I guarantee you just made someone else feel better about themselves). My feet really don't like this weather- I haven't seen my ankles since Isa they have been so swollen, so I lay down on the couch for a while to try and get the swelling down while tea cooked.
I called Hayden this evening. He is so excited for mum and dad to get home- he is counting down the sleeps. Only five to go! We managed a whole ten minutes on the phone, which, anyone who has ever spoken to Hayden on the phone knows, is a long time for him.  It was really nice to have a two way conversation. He's been fishing and caught a trout, which is better than I ever do!
Little green tree frog
After tea Alisha found a green tree frog outside and brought it in to show me. It was pretty cool. Her and Daniel have two dogs, Riley and Roxy. Roxy can balance things on her nose. Turns out this includes tree frogs. She is very well behaved. The frog was crawling all over her face and she still sat still. Riley, not so much. The frog has since been returned to the tree outside.
Roxy and Frogsie
Well, I'm exhausted and not doing so well at my early night, so I'm going to go do something about that.

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